This is a small patch to fix the current issue where players clients are crashing after vending a whole stack of items (or sometimes equipment). A few other fixes were included in this release.
- Misc:
- Fix clients crashing when selling whole stack or equipment
- Duels:
- Fix Debuffs, Stun and DoT skills not working in duels
- Clan:
- Fixed clans unable to learn past level 2 of "Clan Expansion" skill
- Fixed clicking on online status triggering the entrust button behind it and triggering a permissions warning for non-masters
- Fixed newly invited members not appearing on roster for clan members currently online
- Fixed any clan member being able to change the clan mark
- Fixed not being able to demote a rookie to a "red rookie"
- Fixed clan disorganize warning incorrectly stating clan members would be removed from clan automatically (all members need to be kicked before disorganizing a clan)