Forum has arrived

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Forum has arrived
January 12, 2022

We are happy to announce the launch of the ROSE online forum at

This slower paced medium will allow for more serious and profound discussions. Go sign up and engage now!

The account you create will be your one ROSE account for all connected media, i.e. the game, website (services) and the forum!

Suggestions Forum You will finally be able to properly submit your suggestions at

A few words of advice:

  • Before you post, think about whether your suggestion is actually reasonable and realistic
  • Format your post to be readable
  • Make sure separate suggestions are presented individually and not lumped together
  • Be as concrete as you can (and makes sense) it is impossible to implement anything based on a vague feeling
  • If you can, list the pros and cons of your suggestion (in your opinion)
  • When commenting on other people’s suggestions try to see it from their perspective too, this game is not just for you but for everyone.

We are looking forward to seeing all the great suggestions from Discord in more detail!

You might be wondering who I am and why I am posting this update. As of very recently I have become a helping hand with communication and the discord (e.g. working on a :WorryMoldie: bot). If you need to get in contact with the team, just let me know. We are hoping to be able to communicate even small updates more regularly now, while allowing the developers to focus on their work, rather than pleasing everyone’s curiosity.
