Hi all, it's been a bit since we've made an official announcement but we wanted to let everyone know we are hard at work pushing towards closed beta. We are still targeting a summer release for closed beta and are hoping to invite a big batch of beta testers. If you want to be involved in the closed beta test make sure you have an official account at https://www.roseonlinegame.com/ as we'll be sending invites to the emails registered there.
Currently we don't have any major game related announcements to make as we've been focusing on technical work for the closed beta. Although we did drop a sneak peek of an interesting feature we are working on in the media-share channel. If you're interested in the nitty gritty of our development we release a weekly technical blog on Ko-Fi with our must recent update available at https://ko-fi.com/post/Dev-Update-5--Living-the-coal-mine-goblin-worker-R6R8CU7G2.
Mostly some technical issues and discussions in this post https://ko-fi.com/post/Dev-Update-6--Another-day-in-Junon-E1E4CYVT7. The main thing is that a big project to permanently fix duping is currently in the final steps. Once that piece is in place then we will be able to focus on final items on the server side for the beta (still working on client/website/tooling/etc.).
This Ko-Fi update is publicly available and not limited to our monthly supporters: https://ko-fi.com/post/Dev-Update-7--Let-there-be-art-C0C5D3XYJ Take a look if you're interested to see what we worked on last week!
We'll plan to have another public announcement or community stream in the upcoming weeks so we can share some details with the wider community. In the meantime, thank you for all your patience and we're excited to be bringing ROSE back!