Muse Class

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Training themselves to communicate and harmonize with the universe, Muses use magical spells derived from the elements. Although they are only able to use basic magic, Muses are welcome in parties, for the power of their spells surpass that of any wielded weapon.


Cleric class

A Muse may advance to Cleric after obtaining the power of holiness. The magic of Clerics can be used to heal and cure allies during battles.


As religious devotees, Clerics prefer wearing neat, clean clothing, and light colored armors. They often mark their armor with holy symbols as a demonstration of their faith.


Clerics generally wield a short Wand in one hand and a Support Tool in the other.

Battle Strategy

Clerics are generally suited to aiding party members from behind by using their many support skills. In a party, Clerics ensure that their comrades will not fall in battle.

Main Skills

Clerics do not have any notable attacking or defending proficiencies, but are skilled at using healing, resurrecting spells and skills that give bonuses to other classes in battle. Clerics can also protect themselves with a few offensive magic spells.


Mage class

A Muse may advance to Mage after obtaining the power of nature. Mages are known for the sheer power of their offensive magic spells.


Usually, Mages wear armor that makes them look gloomy, evil or eccentric. Sometimes they put on long and pointed hats, making them look like witches, but they focus on light armor that allow for easy movement.


Generally uses a long staff in order to increase their concentration and success chance while using skills.

Battle Strategy

Since they possess weak physical strength, they do not confront enemies at the front line of battle. Instead, Mages use magic spells from a distance to attack their enemies. Mages are great partners for Knights and Champions when backing them up with their powerful magic attacks.

Main Skills

Most of the Mage's skills are derived from the forces of nature. They wield magic with the attributes of Fire, Ice, Lightning, Storm and Stone. They also summon legendary animals or use a few basic healing spells.

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